When is the Best Time to Visit Zanzibar?

You've got your heart set on Zanzibar, and that's a fantastic choice! But when's the best  time to visit Zanzibar for Diving, safari, spice farm tours or beach vacations?

For most, the best time to visit Zanzibar is during the dry season from June to October. This also coincides with the safari high season in Tanzania, making the Zanzibar Archipelago a very popular post-safari choice. 

However, Zanzibar and all it’s islands are good to visit at most times of the year, credit to the regular sunshine and balmy weather.

Timing your trip right will make all the difference. Here's my insider knowledge (as a native) on the best months to travel to Zanzibar.

Key Takeaways

  • Best time to visit Zanzibar: Month-by-month
  • What is the hottest month in Zanzibar?
  • What is the Cheapest month to visit Zanzibar?
  • Secret to Exploring Zanzibar:Pemba Island

Best Months to Travel to Zanzibar

Zanzibar is one of the top must-visit places in East Africa for anyone seeking to have a true connect with nature.

To enjoy the most unforgettable experiences, here are the best months to travel to Zanzibar for specific fun activities— based on weather conditions.

Best Months to Zanzibar for Scuba Diving

We Zanzibaris know a thing or two about the ocean. A saying we have is, "a calm sea makes for happy divers." Those tranquil days? They happen during our dry seasons:

  • June to October (Kusi Season):

This is our main event. Warm days, less wind whipping up the water, and visibility so good, you'll swear the fish are close enough to touch.

Now, the water can feel a touch cooler, but after baking in the sun, it's refreshing! That's why you brought that wetsuit, right?

  • December to February (Kaskazi Season):

The heat is on, and so is the diving! The water might be slightly warmer, and honestly, I've had some of my best encounters with dolphins just outside the reef around this time.

  • The Worst Months to Visit Zanzibar For Scuba Diving:

March to May means those heavy 'Masika' rains.

Believe you me, choppy seas and cloudy water are no way to experience the reef. November...well, the short 'Vuli' rains can be a gamble. You might get lucky, or you might not.

A Note for the Experienced Divers:

If you know your stuff, sometimes those in-between months can surprise you.

I've seen the water clear up beautifully right after a short rain period, especially if you head to the less crowded dive sites. Just be ready to be flexible with your plans!

Best Time to Visit Zanzibar For Safaris on the Mainland

Listen, Tanzania's safari scene is world-class for a reason. 1.7 million tourists visit the country every year for amazing safari experiences.

You’re probably coming to Zanzibar for the beaches and gigantic coral reefs, but if you can, you should absolutely head to mainland after your time on the island.

That vastness of the Serengeti, the rumble of a wildebeest migration... you have to experience it at least once in your life.

Here's when the magic happens:

  • June to October:

Peak season! This is when the animals are all about those water sources, making for some unforgettable game drives.

You’ll be meeting the big predators, elephants galore, you name it. Book those lodges early, though – they fill up fast.

  • January to February:

The sneaky insider's choice. Calving season is AMAZING, and there are slightly fewer crowds. Still dry, still incredible wildlife viewing.

Best Months To Visit the Spice Farms: Smell the Seasons

Ever cracked open a fresh nutmeg? Smelled a vanilla pod still on the vine? A spice farm tour is like a punch to your senses (in a good way!).

Here's when to find those flavors at their peak:

  • June to October:

Clove harvest central. You'll see locals scrambling up those trees, and the aroma...indescribable.

  • December to February:

It's all about cinnamon, pepper, and the rest of the gang. Plus, you might get to taste some crazy tropical fruits you've never even heard of.

The Truth Is... Spice farms are always worth a trip. You'll see how things grow, get that history lesson, and leave with a bag of goodies. But for the peak experience, those seasons are your best bet.

Other Stuff You should Know

Ramadan Rhythm:

Zanzibar's got a strong Muslim community. During Ramadan, some places close early, things slow down a little.

For many tourists, this is considered to be the worst time to visit Zanzibar, especially if you’re not going to be fasting.

It's beautiful to witness, but if you want the full food and shopping experience, plan your trip outside of that month.

Eid Celebrations:

These holidays are joyful, but also busy! Book travel and hotels well in advance if you want to visit during these times.

Bottom line…

Aim for July-September if you can swing it. You get the best of everything: killer dives, prime safari season, and spices going wild.

Consider learning a few Swahili Language phrases to improve on your experience in Zanzibar.

Experience an Unforgettable Vacation in Zanzibar

Join thousands of people who visit Zanzibar for amazing and unforgettable experiences with nature. Experience the thrilling scuba diving tours and beach time with the safest dive center in East Africa.

Contact us now to learn more.

When is the Hottest Month in Zanzibar?

The hottest months in Zanzibar are January and February. During this time, the island experiences warm temperatures and plenty of sunshine, making it perfect for those who enjoy basking in the heat.

When is the Rainy Season in Zanzibar?

Zanzibar's rainy season typically occurs from November to April. This period brings heavy rainfall and higher humidity, which can impact outdoor activities, so it's essential to plan your visit accordingly.

When is the Dry Season in Zanzibar?

The dry season in Zanzibar falls between June and October. This is the best time to visit Zanzibar, as it offers pleasant weather, clear skies, and an abundance of sunshine.

The dry season favors many tourist activities in Zanzibar. Here are the top 15 things you can do in Zanzibar for the perfect holidays.

Which is the Cheapest Month to Visit Zanzibar?

The cheapest flights to Zanzibar are from March to May, with flights as low as $460 on Kayak (from New York to Zanzibar.)

If you're looking to save on your Zanzibar trip, also consider visiting during the rainy season, which is between November and April.

During these months, you may find more budget-friendly options for accommodation and activities.

Also, the city of Zanzibar is less crowded with tourists from around the world, so resorts and other accommodation options are a lot cheaper.

Activities and tour guides also take a step back with their prices, because of the drop in demand.

Is Zanzibar Safe For Tourists?

Zanzibar recorded over 68,000 visits in 2023, and the numbers are rising in 2024. It is certainly one of the most visited dive destinations in the world.

Is Zanzibar really safe for tourists? The short answer is yes. Zanzibar’s culture, governance and security system all work in synergy to put the region in the top safest places in the world for tourists, and even for solo female travel.

This many people won’t be visiting a place that’s “not safe” for tourists. But away from speculation?

Secret to an Unforgettable Zanzibar Experience: Pemba Island

If you're looking for a more off-the-beaten-path experience, consider visiting Pemba Island, which is part of the Zanzibar Archipelago. 

Pemba Island is a smaller and less developed island than Zanzibar, but it's just as beautiful.

Pemba is known for its stunning beaches, lush rainforests, and diverse wildlife. It's also a great place to go diving and snorkeling, as the waters around Pemba are home to a variety of marine life.

Here are some unique facets of Pemba Island:

  • Pemba is home to the Ngezi Forest Reserve, which is one of the most biodiverse forests in Africa.

  • Pemba is also home to the Pemba Crowned Lemur, which is a critically endangered species of lemur.

  • Pemba is known for its traditional fishing villages and its unique culture.

While Zanzibar offers incredible experiences, Pemba Island takes tranquility, culture, and adventure to a whole new level.

Why Visit Pemba Island?

  • Untouched Nature: 

Pemba Island's lush forests and pristine landscapes are a nature lover's dream. Explore the untouched wilderness and discover unique flora and fauna.

  • Scuba Diving: 

If you're a scuba enthusiast, Pemba Island offers some of the most unspoiled and diverse dive sites in the world.

Some of the top divers in the world come to Pemba Island for group dive excursions with Swahili Divers, Pemba’s first and safest dive agency.

Swahili Divers offers every dive experience, from Nitrox diving to Deco 50, Deco 50, and other technical diving courses.

We have trained and certified instructors with a boatload of experience, plus top equipment only available in first-world countries.

Learn more about our dive excursions.

  • Bird Watching: 

If you’re a birdwatcher, there’s no better place to find unique bird species that are nowhere else in the world. Speaking of the Pemba sunbird, Pemba scops owl, Pemba white eye as well as the recently discovered Pemba Goshawk and the Pemba flying fox.

  • Cultural Immersion: 

Experience the rich Swahili culture and traditions of Pemba Island, from its music and dance to its cuisine and historical sites.

Pemba Island has it all, whether you're coming for scuba diving, forest tours, bird watching, or a unique cultural experience. 

Step away from the well-trodden path and discover the true essence of Zanzibar.


"I almost didn't go to Pemba Island. Thankfully, I found Swahili Divers! The location is perfect! Right on a nice beach with a deck. I went diving, and the dive master Soufi made sure I had the right equipment. The dive was amazing, the coral reefs in pristine condition with so much sea life! It's a joy just walking around saying Hello! to the locals in Pemba. I am very glad I decided to visit this island. Highly Recommended.!"

Bryan, Atlanta, Georgia

"I came to Pemba to see the coral. It was beautiful, in good condition, and full of fish and nudibranchs. The diving staff of Swahili divers are all excellent. Equipment was all included and was spot-on. My partner completed her Open Water certification in a few days and we were both totally satisfied."

Evo S.

Mike, Swahili Divers

Hi there, I'm Mike. I've spent countless years immersed in the captivating world of scuba diving and snorkeling around the enchanting Pemba Island. As the founder of Swahili Divers, Gecko Lodge, and Restaurant, I've dedicated my life to sharing the unparalleled beauty and marine diversity of this hidden gem in Tanzania, East Africa.

My journey into the world of scuba diving began as a passion that quickly evolved into a lifelong pursuit. With certifications that span the entire spectrum of diving, from RAID training to advanced open water, I've gathered firsthand experience in exploring Pemba's intricate underwater landscapes.

But beyond the certifications, what truly sets me apart is my unbridled love for this aquatic realm and my commitment to sharing its wonders with the world.


How Long Does Scuba Certification Last?


Snorkeling Vs Scuba diving: What is the difference?